Case Buddy competition - get 25% off your next purchase and the chance to win a brand new Photizo Vetcare or Blush!

Competition entry conditions


To receive a £25 credit on your next purchase of Photizo and to have a chance of winning a brand new Photizo Vetcare or Blush device, send us the following details:

  • The presenting problem before any Photizo treatment began

  • The progress of the condition throughout the rehabilitation

  • How frequently the Photizo device was applied, e.g. daily, 2-3 times a week

  • How long (duration of overall treatment programme) it was until the condition healed or an acceptable level of improved mobility was observed

  • How the animal or person tolerated Photizo and any interesting observations during treatment

Case results should include before and after pictures (e.g. wounds) or, if condition treated is not visible (e.g. pain relief or musculoskeletal issue), you should include a good quality application shot of the animal or person treated. Please ensure the images are high-resolution (not reduced in size).

Photizo Vetcare being used on a cockapoo

You don’t need to write reams and reams, just a few paragraphs per section - unless you feel it requires it. At Danetre Health Products, we love hearing how Photizo helps both people and animals. The better the results, the more delighted we are to hear about them.

We’ll publish many of these stories on the website, as long as you are happy for us to do so. If you wish to remain anonymous, just let us know when sending in your entry.

Thank you and good luck!

Young lady using Photizo Blush

Send your case results to us by email with your contact details/practice name to:

The draw for the winner of new Photizo will be drawn every three months, all entrants will be notified on receipt of case result details and receive a £25 credit against the purchase of a new Photizo.