Chloe Parrett, CMP Therapies

Chloe was introduced to Photizo through CPD training and was amazed at how the animals responded to light therapy almost instantly. She quickly saw the benefits of the products.

Chloe Parrett with two horses she treats
Chloe and Topsey

Chloe and Topsey


Chloe says, “I use the device in all my therapy sessions and it always interests owners and fellow therapists. I’m looking forward to working with Photizo and seeing the human products in action.”

She is pictured here with Topsey, who at first hated massage and the only treatment Chloe could give her was light therapy and basic neck massage. Now she has the whole sessions.

Chloe also has shared her dissertation paper with us, which you can download below. For this, she used Photizo Vetcare to study the effect of light therapy on heart rate and the behaviour of horses.

Chloe represents Photizo in the areas of Warlingham, Croyden and Surrey.


Caroline Hearn, Sports Massage Therapist, Writer and Tutor


Daniel Allen-Ross - Flyball Competitor and Vlogger